The Benefits of a Dehumidifier


The Benefits of a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier removes moisture from the air in a room, and it’s a great solution for areas prone to mold and mildew. These organisms need just a bit of moisture to set up shop and stain or damage fabrics, carpeting and walls.

Keeping humidity low can also help prevent dry rot and other structural issues. When shopping for a dehumidifier, consider capacity (room size recommended), energy efficiency and whether or not it drains via a hose outside the home.

Humidity Control

A dehumidifier will reduce the amount of moisture in the air. This will keep the humidity levels lower and prevent damage to things like books, photographs and collectibles that can deteriorate over time from excessive humidity levels. Using a dehumidifier will also help prevent the growth of mold and mildew which can cause damage to walls and other surfaces, as well as creating odors.

A quality dehumidifier can be used in any space that is prone to extra moisture, such as crawl spaces or basements. These boxy appliances suck the air and run it over cold coils where the moisture will condense. The condensation is collected in a receptacle or directed outside through a hose.

It is important to choose the right size dehumidifier for your home, based on the square footage of the room and the moisture level. Energy Star recommends a 10- to 16-pint unit for a home with low humidity and 26- to 44-pint for a more damp space.

Before putting your dehumidifier into operation, read the owner’s manual for specific care instructions. Make sure that the machine is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not an extension cord or multi-outlet adaptor, as doing so can put you at risk for electric shock. It is also a good idea to clean the dehumidifier on a regular basis.


If you suffer from allergies, you know how miserable it can be when your symptoms flare up. A dehumidifier helps alleviate allergy symptoms by lowering the humidity in your home. Mold, mildew, and dust mites thrive in a humid environment and produce airborne spores that trigger allergic reactions in people. Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air which limits their growth and keeps indoor humidity levels in the “goldilocks” range of 30-45%.

An air dehumidifier is a good investment for people with allergies. The appliance can eliminate musty odors, reduce allergens in the home, and cut down on cleaning dehumidifier time. Dehumidifiers can be placed in the ductwork of an HVAC system to clean all the air or they can be purchased as portable units for single rooms. The appliance can also be combined with an air purifier for complete indoor air quality control.

If you are in an apartment, a dehumidifier is essential to help prevent fungus, mold, and mildew from spreading throughout the building and triggering allergies in residents. The appliance will also improve indoor air quality, making it easier for you to breathe and reducing sinus inflammation that can cause asthma and bronchitis. According to the National Institutes of Health, these conditions are triggered by breathing in substances called allergens or triggers. Mold and mildew are common allergens that thrive in a damp, humid climate.

Structural Damage

The use of a dehumidifier will help reduce moisture damage to drywall, wood and other structures within a home or business. It will also help to decrease the risk of mold and mildew. However, it is important to remember that dehumidification is only one part of the process when it comes to restoring water damaged materials. It is also necessary to address the root cause of the problem. This may include repairing a leaking toilet or shower, patching leaky walls and ceilings, and sealing cracks in the foundation.

Dehumidification is especially useful in areas that are prone to moisture problems, such as basements or bathrooms. In these situations, the moisture level can quickly rise above 50% and lead to mold and mildew issues. This is because moisture tends to absorb into porous materials, such as wood and drywall.

A dehumidifier can help to remove excess moisture in these areas by absorbing the water into its container and then evaporating it back into the air. This can help to prevent structural dehumidifier damage to the walls and other materials in these areas. It is often used by water restoration companies to help dry out buildings after a flood or other forms of water damage. The process is also known as structural drying and is a key part of the remediation process.

Energy Efficiency

Dry heat is less energy-intensive than warm air, so dehumidifiers using new technology can save you money on your electricity bill. Dehumidifiers that use a new energy-efficient dehumidification system work faster and consume about half the electricity as older models.

Energy efficiency with a dehumidifier also comes down to the size of the appliance and the amount of moisture it needs to remove from the air in a given space. A large space that’s prone to dampness may need a 50-pint model, for example, and a smaller room with mildly damp walls could get by with a 10-pint mini.

Dehumidifiers are rated according to their raw power draw and how quickly they can extract water from the air in a given area. For more details on a dehumidifier’s energy consumption, consult the ENERGY STAR rating.

A dehumidifier’s energy usage can be reduced by reducing the humidity level in a home and fixing leaky air ducts, which can let moisture into a space. You can also reduce energy costs by reusing the water your dehumidifier collects, which is known as greywater. Reusing it to water your houseplants and flowers will help cut down on waste and reduce your utility bills. In addition, you can improve your home’s drainage and make sure the soil under your foundation isn’t too wet by maintaining a well-draining landscape.

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